Seven Times Duncan Ferguson Was Absolutely Terrifying

 9 years, 7 months ago 4 Comments

Today is the day of birth of the 6 foot 4 target man, affectionately known as ‘Big Dunc’ and ‘Dunc and Disorderly.’ He has scored more goals than any other Scottish player in the FA Premier League and was once the most expensive British transfer (Dundee to Glasgow Rangers in 1993 for £4m).

He was also – absolutely terrifying.

In a career which gave birth to a questionable goal tally for money spent and his time in the physio room, we feel it’s better to pay homage to Big Dunc for doing the one thing he did best; making people shit their pants.

Headbutting Jock McStay

We start off with the most famous of Duncan Ferguson’s victims of terror – poor old Jock McStay of Raith Rovers. With Rangers already cruising to a 4-0 victory over Raith, Big Dunc lost his mind in a corner flag tussle and preceded to stick the nut on the defender.

Incredibly, the referee didn’t dismiss him (undoubtedly bottling it) yet the powers that be came into force and considering it was Dunc’s 4th assault conviction – he went to prison for three months. Despite his country having to rely on the ferocious firepower of Gordon Durie and blistering pace of Stuart McCall; Ferguson never played for Scotland ever again.

Decking Paul Scharner Before Paralysing Jimmy Bullard With Fear

Soccer AM’s Helen Chambers describes this one better – with video footage of both events…

Any Time He ‘Questioned’ a Refereeing Decision


All Nine of His Red Cards



Throwing Paul Ince on The Floor Like a Sack of Spuds

Big Dunc Vs Ruud Gullit 

Dunc looks happy...

Dunc looks happy…

Duncan took his rage over to the north east of England and was more than happy to share it with former European Player of the Year and self-proclaimer of “sexy football,” Ruud Gullit. Having already ostracised club captain Alan Shearer and furthermore Rob Lee by taking away his squad number, the dreadlocked Dutchman stuck big Dunc on the bench with the aforementioned two – for Newcastle’s big game against fierce neighbouring rivals Sunderland.

Duncan disorderly got the substituted nod over Alan Shearer, who was then subbed on with 15 minutes remaining. It was a case of too little, too late and Sunderland went on to win 2-1 with goals from Kevin Phillips and Niall Quinn.

In his post-match press conference, Gullit spitefully suggested the match had been lost because he had brought Ferguson and Shearer on. “We were winning before that,” he told unimpressed reporters.

Shearer was furious, but remained controlled. Ferguson was less restrained. The Scotsman is said to have kicked the manager’s door off its hinges at the training ground the following morning.

“It was adding insult to injury – it really was a disgrace. I wasn`t even fit at the time and the manager knew it. It was obvious he was trying to make a point about Alan.”

Seethed Big Dunc, before confessing…

“He didn’t win but then he had the cheek to tell the media Newcastle were winning before he sent on Alan and me – the inference being that if he hadn’t made those substitutions we might well have won.

“I wasn’t having that and I stormed into the manager’s office the next morning to let him know he was bang out of order. The door was still just about on its hinges when I came out – and Alan Shearer was the next man in.

“I think Ruud got the message. He resigned the next day.”

Beating Up Burglars

We saved the best until last, because at least this person deserved the to be on the end of the Scotsman’s furnace of rage. When would it ever be a good idea to say to your mate; “Hey, I have a great idea. Let’s break into psycho Duncan Ferguson’s house tonight! Should be a laugh!”

One got away, but the other was, aherm…’detained’ by Mr Ferguson. Carl Bishop from Liverpool was hospitalised for two days before serving a four years sentence in prison…we think he got off lightly.

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