A Montage Of Paul Merson Goals – Not Bad For a Fat Lad!

 9 years, 3 months ago 1 Comment

Paul merson

Sky Sports pundit Paul Merson is better off known for talking complete and utter bollocks. He’s not the sharpest tool in the box either but let’s not forget he had a proper footballing brain and played with a class that would shock football fans too young to remember or appreciate his talents.

In case you don’t believe us or just can’t remember – here’s a montage of Paul Merson’s finest goals from earlier on in his career. Not bad considering he was fat and drunk for most of these. So there you go, Merson was pretty damn good and this is often overlooked. Just don’t tell Andros Townsend…

Related: Paul Merson Quotes – 11 Of The Funniest, Weirdest Mersonisms

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