Brazil World Cup Winner Sold Medal For Lots Of Cocaine

 9 years, 3 months ago 0 Comments

brazil world cup winner

Brazil World Cup winner Paulo Cezar, better known as Caju says that he is living a life of regret after trading in his “precious medal” to feed his out of control cocaine addiction. Cesar was part of the famous 1970 World Cup winning Brazil team and revealed that his taste for drugs started while playing in France for Marseille.

Paulo Cesar in his playing days.

Paulo Cesar in his playing days.

I wasn’t in control emotionally. I should never have negotiated and sold such a precious medal. It’s a huge loss. I’ve never told anyone but now I’m ready to admit it.

The 65-year-old former midfielder added:

The most important thing for me was cocaine. The medal was less important.

What a sad story!

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