John Carver Swears At a Fan & Stewards Ban Free Speech – Welcome To Fascist Newcastle United

 9 years, 3 months ago 0 Comments

Mike Ashley simply doesn’t give a…

It can’t be that much fun being a Newcastle United fan and we certainly don’t recommend it to the sensitive flowers out there. Long gone are the days of Alan Shearer leading the line, flamboyant Colombians with goal-celebrating somersaults, sexy Ginola skills and serious challenging for the Premiership title. There hasn’t been that much to cheer about in The Toon in recent years, not to mention being nothing other than pathetic in the last five Tyne-Wear derbies.

It’s all doom and gloom up north in Tyneside. Billionaire chairman at the helm Mike Ashley does just enough to keep the club in the Premiership so that he can make easy money from the television rights and gate receipts. It seems that Newcastle aren’t good enough to even be considered mid-table trash, but not quite sh*t enough to go down. (But saying that, they’re not that safe just yet).

With undoubtedly one of the most loyal and passionate fans in English football – Ashley simply doesn’t care for sentiment and over the weekend he sent yet another sign to show who the real boss is to the Geordie faithful, by ordering his stewards to remove any effort of a stand against his regime. This photo taken from Newcastle fans on Twitter on Saturday shows club stewards removing ‘Ashley Out’ signs:

newcastle united fans stewards

Ashley would make a brilliant Lannister – he’s sitting on the throne at St James’ Park, he doesn’t care if you want him out and that’s the way its going to stay. Newcastle fans are starting to intensely polarise; where some parts of Newcastle United claim that they should ‘support the club, not the regime’ others claim that a complete boycott is the only logical way to remove Ashley from their beloved club. To hit him where it hurts, the only place which he cares about – his pockets.

John Carver’s Altercation With Fan

Local lad John Carver may be a part-time manager of his childhood club, but don’t get lost too much in any deluded fairytale romanticism. The job of gaffer at Newcastle United is a highly-stressed affair, one which Harry Redknapp once referred to as “poisoned chalice” and Carver’s anxiety began to rear its ugly ahead after it was reported that he had engaged in a war of wards with a fan.

34-year-old fan, Karen Choake, said: “I saw it with my own eyes, having gone to support the team. I used to have sympathy for him but not anymore – I won’t go back while he is still there.

“After the third Swansea goal went in and everyone was so frustrated, a guy two rows in front of me started to ask questions of John and then John responded so unprofessionally.

“He shouted back, ‘what do you want me to do about it’ and said that he wanted to take the argument outside in a threatening manner. He then used swear words and I am 100% sure of that.”

newcastle fan john carver

Some supporters who were at the game in which Newcastle lost 3-2 to Swansea, took to social media to confirm that Carver’s behaviour in this incident was a “disgrace” and that there were many children and women around while Carver unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade against the fan. However one Toon fan had an alternative view on the event:

John carver swearing at fanTo play devil’s advocate here, Carver has of course been guilty of this exact same thing in the past however the fan, as a paying customer is entitled to voice his discontent if he doesn’t feel he’s getting what he is paying for. Carver could always act more professional but you could argue he’s also allowed to express himself and his masked frustration too. One thing’s for sure though, as long as Ashley is in command and supporters flock to St James’ in their thousands – freedom of speech will be as tightly monitored as Ashley’s transfer expenditures.

On BBC One’s Match of the Day, Newcastle United legend Alan Shearer said he sympathised with his former coach, followed by a genuine message of concern:

“I feel a bit sorry for John Carver, because he’s from the area, he loves the football club; it’s just a shame some of his players don’t love the football club as much as he does. They’re in a mess. They’re in trouble.”

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