Jamie Vardy’s Wife Reacts to Stories her Husband is a Dog Killer

 7 years, 11 months ago 3 Comments

WKD drinking Premier League champion Jamie Vardy has been at the centre of an internet whirlwind that claims he killed a dog with lethal doses of Stella Artois during his time at Stocksbridge. Hardy is set to release his autobiography and a meme started doing the rounds on social media with an outlandish confession from the Leicester City hitman.

Such is Vardy’s ahem, squeaky clean reputation, millions of internet users found it more than plausible that the striker could have laced the pooch with Stella causing its untimely death. Vardy’s wife however has taken to Twitter to rubbish claims that her well-spoken and respectable husband could have caused such a gruesome act.

The Twitter account that first released the mocked up meme found the whole thing quite entertaining, like many of us…

What we find most interesting about the whole thing is the number of people, including us, who thought the story was legit, we wouldn’t put it past him, would you? Bark shit, get banged!

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