Argentinian Club Fans Celebrate Cup Final Victory By Kicking The Shit Out Of Losing Team

 7 years, 11 months ago 1 Comment


Football hooliganism has been notorious in South America for the last few decades, particularly in Argentina – and it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon. But this one is a new one even for us…

After watching the video below, you’d presume that the brawling fans on the pitch, are attacking the opposing players for daring to come to their home turf to steal their team’s cup glory…not the case – quite the opposite!

The home side (Bella Vista) actually won the final fixture in Argentina’s lower Southern League, and quite literally kicked the defeated team when they were down – because celebrating a victory would just make too much sense. Losing side (Tiro Federal) eventually escaped with help from local police after the 3-2 final defeat – we’d hate to see how Bella Vista fans react when they lose a game!

Video of the Argentine football brawl:

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