Wenger Humiliates Mourinho at UEFA Conference

 7 years, 10 months ago 0 Comments

Football managers, they give they appearance that they are wise heads, sensible men who conduct their teams with style and respect, thankfully for us, we all know that this is not even close to being true, especially not in the case of Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger. The Arsenal and Manchester United managers have a long history of fierce rivalry involving mind games and press conference digs as the two have pitched their teams against one another through the years. Who can forget when Mourinho called the Frenchman a “specialist in failure” or when Wenger referred to Mourinho as a stupid man who was given success, not to mention when they got their handbags out on the touchline, we could go on for hours.


With the arrival of Mourinho’s arch nemesis Pep Guardiola, we had feared the the rivalry between Wenger and Mourinho would cool a little but Wenger’s recent humiliation of Mourinho at the UEFA conference indicates that the heat is still very much there.

When Jose arrived at the UEFA conference, one of the last to do so, everyone was waiting for a speech from Sir Alex Ferguson to begin, the 53-year old nonchalantly wandered into the room, dished out a few hugs to some staff and managers before looking to find a seat, having found an empty seat near Zidane and Wenger, Mourinho asked rhetorically if he could sit down, to which the bitter Wenger replied “no, that isn’t possible”. As Mourinho walked away, a few of those sitting nearby began to chuckle and and those who didn’t dare simply looked into the air pretending they hadn’t heard anything.


This beautifully childish gesture looks to have renewed the ill feeling between the two managers as the Premier League season truly gets underway again after the international break. Mourinho looks like he will be fighting a war on two fronts this season with Wenger and Guardiola taking up enemy positions, the first true battle will be this weekend as one of the most eagerly anticipated Manchester derbies gets underway on Saturday. Whether the special, happy, relaxed one will be sharp tongued with his rivals this season remains to be seen but after embarrassing Mourinho in front of his ‘football friends,’ we’d be surprised if the Man U manager will be able to resist getting his own back.

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