Prem Player Switched Clubs In Transfer Window After Fathering Fan’s Baby

 7 years, 5 months ago 0 Comments

Suspicions are out after a Premier League footballer has been forced to leave the club that he was playing for after banging a fan and finding out that she was up the spout. The player who is currently being legally protected is seeking one of those I-fucked-someone-and-don’t-want-anyone-to-know injunctions.

The story of the affair was broken by the ever-reliable Daily Star who love nothing more than a tits, ass, footballer and pregnancy combination and although we cannot find out the name of the player, we do have some clues, so let’s play guess the horny footballer.

  • The player was sold in this transfer window
  • He has a long term partner who he has children with and rumours suggest that she has forgiven him
  • His bosses did not want him to transfer but he put the request in
  • He was transferred to a team ‘miles away’ so it’s nobody that stayed local (makes sense)

We’ll leave the guessing up to you, we may never even find out who is right but you’ll definitely be asking yourself about a few players now, how legit was the Payet situation, for example…

The newspaper reports a mixture of accounts which pretty much some up women and footballers with a friend of the proud new Mum suggesting that it was more than a one-night stand and that they were more of a couple, whilst a mate of the player simply commented about the size of her jugs – not really, he suggested that she was a money grabber who offered sex on a plate. Who should we believe?

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