Louis Van Gaal Branded SCUM By Barca Legend

 9 years, 3 months ago 1 Comment

Barcelona legend Hristo Stoichkov has laid into Manchester United manager Louis Van Gaal and branded him ‘scum’ and a ‘rubbish man’ in a recent interview where he was asked about his former Barcelona boss.

Stoichkov was speaking to L’Equipe about his time at Barcelona, the club where he spent 7 years during his career which included 2 spells under both LVG and Jose Mourinho, and discussed his dislike for LVG and his reasons why he is impressed by Mourinho.

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“I have no respect for him – he’s scum,” Stoichkov is quoted as saying about Van Gaal. “One day, when I was injured, I was with my wife at Camp Nou and Van Gaal went up to her.

“He asked her how it was possible that she married someone like me. She responded that I was a Ballon d’Or winner.”

“My departure in 1998 was the fault of Van Gaal, for sure. It was the fault of Van Gaal that I move on to CSKA Sofia.”

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The Bulgarian legend then spoke about his admiration for Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho who worked at Barcelona with LVG.

 “Do not think that Mourinho was a simple interpreter or assistant. He was already a coach, but he never thought he was worth more than [Bobby] Robson.”

“Mourinho understood everything… He knew everything about our team, and our opponents.”

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Hristo clearly has an axe to grind with the Manchester United manager and he’s not alone, LVG has made countless enemies throughout his career, presumably down his blunt nature and take no shit attitude he appears to have, not to mention the arrogance.

We don’t imagine the Dutchman will be any more bothered by Stoichkov’s outburst as he was when Ronald Koeman spoke out against him, or when Johan Cruyff stuck a boot in, he just seems to breeze through this kind of thing with a head on approach and perhaps that’s the reason why Hristo and the rest hate him so much.

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