Brazilian Club Employs Fans’ Mothers To Tackle Hooliganism

 9 years, 5 months ago 0 Comments

Brazilian football club Sport Club do Recife have come up with an ingenious way to discourage violence and general bad behaviour from their supporters. In hope of tackling the ongoing hooliganism in South America, Recife employed thirty mothers for their upcoming clash against fierce rivals Nautico last Sunday.


Aricio Fortes, Vice President of the PR company behind the idea explains the logic behind it all:

“The idea was to make the most fanatical supporters aware and help in some way to bring peace to stadiums,” said Aricio Fortes, who is the vice-president of Ogilvy (the PR company responsible for the idea).

“At the end of the day, no one wants to fight in front of a mother, especially his own.”

Hard to argue with that!

The gang of mothers patrolled the pitch perimeter dressed in high visibility vests bearing the words; “Seguranca Mae,” or “Security Mums” in Portuguese. For what it’s worth; Recife won 1-0 and the club were happy to announce after the game that no arrests had to be made for the first time in several years.

Good work, security Mums! We wonder if they’d be so successful in a Chelsea vs Millwall fixture…

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