5 Things You Need To Know About Tim Sherwood

 9 years, 1 month ago 1 Comment

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The main things that we know about Aston Villa manager Tim Sherwood is that he captained Blackburn Rovers’ Premiership title-winning side of 1995 and he is one unapologetically smug bas**rd! We need more characters in the game and he certainly has bags of that. Here are five facts about the ball of enthusiasm that is Mr Tim Sherwood…

Tim Sherwood is an Arsenal Fan

At the time of writing this, Tim will take his rejuvenated Aston Villa side into an FA Cup final battle against Arsenal – the club that he supported as a boy. Unconfirmed rumours stemming back from his playing days suggested Tim wore a long sleeve shirt to hide the Arsenal crest which is tattooed on his arm. Tim was quoted as saying on TV morning show ‘Sport & Leisure…’

“I’m an Arsenal fan as a kid. My Dad still goes to the Emirates every week. I love to see them do well.”

He Was Unpopular Amongst Teammates at Blackburn

sherwood blackburn

Although he ended up lifting the Premiership trophy, he wasn’t always popular amongst his teammates at Blackburn but in typical unshakable Sherwood confidence he got through it with ease:

When I was at Blackburn there were times when it was difficult. My name would be read out and there were a few groans. I didn’t care. I’d sometimes tell David Batty, “I’ll give it away more times than you’ll get it this afternoon.”

He Doesn’t Like Berbatov


He’s the sort of player who can get managers the sack. He can throw his toys out of the pram at times and, as a manager, you have to make sure he’s 100% committed to your football club. If not, he can be a bad apple and you don’t want that around your squad.

He looked a Bit Like Sean Bean Once

tim sherwood funny

Kenny Dalglish Chose To Sign Him Over Zidane


Blackburn Rovers’ gaffer at the time, Kenny Dalglish  wanted to sign a young player from Bordeaux in France by the name of Zinedine Zidane (you may have heard of him) but retracted with the face-palming quote of:

“Why do you want to sign Zidane when we have Tim Sherwood?”

Feel free to add to any Tim Sherwood facts and urban myths we may have missed out.

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