Sol Campbell Wins Arrogant Man Of The Year in Black Manager’s Debate

 9 years, 3 months ago 0 Comments

big Sol

Football legends Sol Campbell and John Barnes have recently made their thoughts very clear on the lack of black managers in English football situation. Big Sol never being the one to shy away from an opinion, recently attended a summit with members of the FA to discuss the contentious matter – but things got a little weird as Sol went all Kanye West with his ego trip as witnessed by sports journalist Daniel Taylor.

The former Tottenham and Arsenal floozy targeted the FA’s technical director, Dan Ashworth, asking him to explain why Gary Neville had been fast-tracked through the system to become one of Roy Hodgson’s assistants with the England team. Ashworth’s retort was that Neville had made a favourable impact on Hodgson and the players and started running through the processes that were involved…

…when Campbell put out his hand to interrupt him. This is when shit got weird.

“But I am Sol Campbell.”

Tumbleweeds blew around the room whilst an awkward Ashworth bumbled on with his explanation of Gary Neville’s fast-track.

When Ashworth stopped talking there was another what-the-fuck moment. Campbell, hand out Jesus-like at the last supper, ended the conversation in the same way he had started it.

“But I am Sol Campbell.”

sol campbell

#JesuisSolCampbell indeed, but how can Sol be asked to be taken seriously when he behaves this oddly after being invited to discuss a matter which is clearly close to his heart?

On another note, Sol had an opportunity to make his first steps when he joined Notts County. An England and Premiership legend with a bucket load of honours would have surely gotten his foot in the coaching door at Meadow Lane, but no. He went in a huff and decided to go and warm Newcastle United’s bench for one last pay day instead.

Does Sol Campbell really want to be a manager and is he willing to pay his dues, or does he want to be parachuted into a well-paid top job? Or will he join the world of politics with the Tory party, switching at last-minute to the Labour Party? We guess we’ll have to watch this space.

On a more positive note, lest we forget his brilliant never ending tackle against Croatia:

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