Sean Dyche: “If I Was Foreign – I’d Be Considered A Genius”

 7 years, 11 months ago 0 Comments


No one in life likes to feel under appreciated for their efforts and after Sean Dyche’s recent comments – it seems like the Burnley gaffer is in need of a hug as much as he has been desperately requiring a Strepsil all these years.

The former Chesterfield FC captain bemoaned the lack of love coming his way from the footballing community, citing his nationality as an Englishman being the pivotal reason why no one is spaffing quite enough over the Kettering-born manager’s remarkable bouncebackability – after taking Burnley straight back into The Premier League at the first time of asking.

Dyche panted:

Antonio Conte came in at Chelsea and he got commended for bringing a hard, fast, new leadership to Chelsea, which involved doing 800m runs, 400m runs and 200m runs.

I thought that was interesting because if you see us doing that you’d say we’re running them round in circles – ‘a young English dinosaur manager. Doesn’t know what he’s doing’. At Chelsea under Conte everyone thinks it’s amazing.

I saw (City left-back Gael Clichy) talking about the diet that Pep has brought in. He’s stopped pizza…he’s a genius already in my view. The year before Claudio Ranieri was adding pizza at Leicester. Two geniuses, one adding pizza and one taking it away.

I’m being flippant but I’m being serious as well. It’s true, that is the misperception.

Clichy was talking about how this new diet was amazing, saying we don’t eat junk food. We’ve been doing that since I got here. I did it at Watford, so do other English managers.

Dyche went on to leave a profound metaphor, suggesting that the likes of him and David Moyes aren’t quite the ‘sexy’ choice in football management, and that being anything else other than British, scores you points for merely existing in the English Football Leagues:

Generally there is still this edge towards foreign coaches and managers. Why do you buy a branded pair of jeans rather than the other pair? Because you think they’re better, but they might not be.

Poor Dychey! Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. Do you think he has a fair point? Are foreign managers overhyped and hardworking bosses like Dyche overlooked for their accomplishments? We wait with bated breath to see the day Sean Dyche is celebrated as being sexier than Pep and Jose.

On a final note – we’d like to give the Burnley boss a hat tip and let you young’ns know that back in the day, Sean Dyche scored the most Sean Dyche goal you’d ever imagine in one of the most entertaining FA Cup fixtures of all time against a star-studded Middlesborough.

Video below, now send Sean your best compliments…and a Fisherman’s Friend.

Related: Crap Lookalikes: Triple H & Burnley’s Sean Dyche

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