Roy Hodgson Funny Faces (A Photo & Video Journal)

 9 years, 5 months ago 0 Comments

The forever hilarious Roy Hodgson funny facial expressions have been absolutely impossible to ignore over the last few years. The current England manager’s animated mug breathes life into the mickey-takers of the online football world and his face has even been immortalised in a brilliant smart phone app. Thankfully, he pulled off an absolute pearler of a gurn during last night’s FA Cup draw:

Roy Hodgson funny face

We felt that this was the green light to bring to life all of Roy Hodgson funny facial expressions, for the greater good of mankind. Consider it modern day football art. Get the kettle on and get ready for some absolute beauts…

Roy Hodgson Funny Faces

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Woy wannabe.

Woy wannabe.

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funny roy hodgson face

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