Ozil Seals Mustafi Move After Getting Him Horny

 7 years, 10 months ago 1 Comment

Arsenal, Arsenal, Arsenal, here we are again, the transfer window almost closed and you are scurrying around making last minute deals. It´s always the same with the Gunners, fans were a little excited when Granit Xhaka made his early move to the North London club but since then, things have stagnated a bit. Fast forward to Wenger´s favourite moment, days before the window closes and here we are watching new arrivals walk through The Emirates gates.


Shkodran Mustafi has been speaking ahead of his 35 million pound move from Valencia to Arsenal and has revealed why he decided on the North London team.

“I have spoken with Mesut, he told me everything, it was all very positive and I was quickly convinced, because I find the club horny.”

We´re not entirely sure what the German could possibly have said to the 24 year old defender to make him quite so horny but it seems to have done the trick. Thanks to the late arrival of both Mustafa and new signing Lucas Perez, Arsenal will no doubt struggle to bed their players in to the Premier League straight away. Whether this will once again impact their season remains to be seen, perhaps Arsene is quite settled with his 4th spot.

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