Monchengladbach With Outstanding Banter Ahead of CL Clash With Celtic

 7 years, 9 months ago 0 Comments

We just adore German football clubs, not only do the sausage-loving Germans have the cheapest tickets in Europe, allow you to drink a beer in the stands and put on unreal displays like Borussia Dortmund do, but they are absolute heroes when it comes to social media banter. Borussia Monchengladbach are leading the way in being awesome for their fans, remember when the Man City game got called off, the German club not only refunded all tickets for their traveling fans, but handily placed ‘sick notes’ on the seats for their supporters the following night so that they wouldn’t get into bother with their bosses.


The German side have already trolled Manchester City on Twitter this year as well as jibing themselves during Manchester City’s win against them in the Champions League. Now they have gone and done it again in an expert move ahead of their clash with Scottish Champions, Celtic.

A pub sign in Glasgow went viral today after their failed attempts to spell the German club’s name on their blackboard, opting instead for Celtic v A German Team, in response, Monchengladbach have changed their name on Twitter to help the pub look more legitimate.

For years now, the English game has been instructed to follow the model of other countries, first it was Spain after their World Cup and European Cup successes, then it was indeed ze Germans after their World Cup triumph, quite frankly we couldn’t give a shit whose football we copy off, we just hope that PL clubs get their act together when it comes to the banter. The Germans are putting us to shame both on the pitch and now on social media too. Get it together guys!

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