FA Vase, FA Trophy and FA Cup to be Rebranded “Fuck Remembering All These Names Trophy”

 8 years, 4 months ago 0 Comments

o-TROPHY-facebookIn a bid to unite confused football fans across the nation, the English Footballing Association (FA) announced plans today to merge the FA Vase, the FA trophy and the FA Cup into one competition.

The new competition, tentatively titled ’Fuck Remembering All These Names and Who Competes Trophy’, is set to be introduced into the English footballing system at the official start of the 2017/18 season.

The move, prompted by fans and players confusion alike as to which cup they were participating in, is set to remedy issues seen in last year’s competitions where fans refused to show up to watch U23 Premier League teams compete against the likes of Morpeth Town and Telford United.

“We welcome this new competition. Hopefully it will bring more enjoyment to the sport as fans take interest once again in a tournament that combines part-time losers and no hopers next to overpaid benchwarmers”, said an FA spokesperson.

Rumour has it that the Fuck Remembering All These Names and Who Competes Trophy (FRATNWCT for short) will be sponsored by AdruqqeuueeefffsssbbbfiufFqoduadhggutoBAoyamamamdjdN Breweries for the sake of “brevity” and “simplicity”.

Masochistic fans across both the north and south of England have been spotted rejoicing at the news.

Apart from Liverpool fans, who understand they have no hope of winning the new competition.

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