Chesterfield Swoop For Rolf Harris To Partner Ched Evans

 8 years, 5 months ago 1 Comment


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Chesterfield manager Danny Wilson has been courting a lot of controversy this summer following his and chief executive Chris Turner’s signing of once convicted rapist Ched Evans. Now, however, things appear to be quietening down for the Wales international following the announcement of new strike partner and former television personality Rolf Harris.

“We’ve had more publicity over the last couple of months than in the 35 years I’ve lived in the town”, Danny Wilson beamed. “But now, thanks to Rolf, we can finally see ‘what it is yet’; a force likely to strike fear into the hearts of all the ‘young’ starlets across League 1”.

Joining his manager in a press conference fresh from his stint serving in Stafford prison, Harris, 85, was keen to emphasise his rekindled passion for the sport of his youth, back when he was nicknamed ‘Jake the Peg’ after his unworldly set-piece shenanigans.

“I hope Ched and myself can bring something new to this Chesterfield outfit. We’ve spent a lot of time confined in the box and feel pretty confident in finding new ways to penetrate even the freshest of football league defences”, added the former Socceroo Youth forward.

Not joining them however will be former Middlesborough, Manchester City and Sunderland midfielder Adam Johnson. “Adam was keen on a motivational half-time speaking role only”, says Wilson, as he races to celebrate Chesterfield’s 150th anniversary by making them the first English team ever to field an entire roster of sex offenders.

Whether Chesterfield win the race to the top this season remains to be seen.

Only one thing remains clear; they certainly won’t stop to ask for permission.

Related Post: Adam Johnson: “Playing For Sunderland is STILL My Most Humiliating Regret”

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