Steven Gerrard Trolled By Manchester Police

 9 years, 4 months ago 0 Comments

It’s bee a rough few days for Stevie G after he was sensationally red carded against Manchester United after just 45 seconds on the field for a stamp on Ander Herrera, or if you’re a Liverpool fan he was red carded after losing his footing.

Social media obviously went ballistic when the incident occurred and for Stevie it must have seemed that the world was against him, and now to top it all off, even the police are getting involved.

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No doubt in a community spirited effort Greater Manchester police post updates of crime in the area, yesterday they posted this zany update, well I think we all know what came next, but what we didn’t expect was the banter from the City Centre Police.

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The Inspector with thyme banter quickly realised that he was dangerously close to crossing the ‘line’ and swiftly put an end to the banter, good save ‘Insp S’ sand fair play for joining in.Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 10.49.24

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