Ronaldo Says Comeback Talk Is ‘Nonsense’

 9 years, 9 months ago 0 Comments

After we jokingly speculated on Ronaldo Lima making a shock return to football last month, we were prepared to have some smug grins on our faces here at lolfootball after news circulated that Ronaldo would in fact be returning to football with his newly purchased club Fort Lauderdale. Ronaldo even told a Brazilian website last month that the return was on the cards stating “It’s going to happen,” Ronaldo told Lance! “I have already said so. But it’s going to be a bit later, in the playoffs.”

Sadly there is always one that spoils the party and Ronaldo has done exactly that after he went back on his word and rubbished talks of  playing return labelling them as nonsense.

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Here’s the tweet that Ronlado sent out to his followers, now we know that not all of you speak Portuguese so we got our best translator on the case; in English the tweet loosely says …

‘ This Ronaldo is history, too fat to play football, I even ate the hashtag #RonaldoCake, is there more? No I ate it all.’

We were pretty skeptical about the translation so we got a second opinion, turns out the tweet actually says something like this…

“There’s a story going round that I am making a comeback, there’s even a hashtag #RonaldoVoltou, really? There’s nothing in it”

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We’re not sure what’s more disappointing, the fact that Ronaldo won’t be gracing a football pitch again or the fact that the first translation wasn’t accurate. So it turns out the rumour mill went into overdrive again after Ronaldo’s original comments and rightly so, but why the change of heart? There is definitely a possibility that Ronaldo had wanted to make a comeback but maybe couldn’t get that fat ass in shape quick enough so took the ‘escape route’ and denied the claims.

Regardless of the reason, one thing is for damn sure at least Ronaldo will not have the opportunity to ruin his unbelievable legacy (any more than he already has) by playing for an almost amateur North American football club.

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