Once Promising Footballer Convicted of Murder

 7 years, 11 months ago 0 Comments

Josef Hällgren was once a player who many considered to have a bright future within the game, the Swedish winger was 18 in the Summer of 2013 when he had trials at Chelsea, Rangers and Hamburg. Unfortunately for the Swede, he chose an altogether different path for his career and opted instead for a world of crime.


On March of last year, Hällgren and a gang of masked robbers stormed a bar filled with punters who, somewhat ironically, were there to watch the Champions League clash between Barcelona and Manchester City. The men stormed the bar, stole the cash, killed two people and injured a further 8. Hällgren and his buddies were arrested and he has just received his verdict where he was found guilty of manslaughter, he now faces 14 years in jail. Following the verdict, one of his ex-coaches told Swedish newspaper Expressen: 

“He was a fantastic football player. But he also had something dark in his eyes, some kind of sadness.”

Why you would wish to waste a natural talent in favour of doing porridge is simply beyond us.

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