Preston North End Fan Lied About Having Terminal Cancer For Gifts & Visits

 9 years, 1 month ago 0 Comments

linda moon pne

Preston North End fan Linda Moon was visited by staff of the club in hospital, had her own minute’s applause from fellow fans – even got to take the trophy home for a bit along with Kevin Davies’ shirt. That sounds like a pretty nifty deal for one person, but when you find out she has terminal cancer the deal suddenly seems unfair, cruel and pale in comparison to the harsh reality of life.

Well that would all be true if she was actually telling the truth. Linda revealed all this week after her conscience became too loud to bear…

“I have Vascular Ehlers disease which affects your blood and collagen which is what makes my stomach swell and haemorrahage. I should have corrected people but it had gone too far and I couldn’t get myself out of it. I thought I should set the record straight but I never did it – I feel horrible for what I have done.

All I can do is sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart – it’s not a nice thing to do to people.I have seen things that people have said about me, but I understand why they are saying it. I have hurt and upset a lot of people.

I would just like to say I am truly sorry for not saying it is not terminal cancer.”

One person who didn’t take the news too well was PNE striker Kevin Davies, who had more than good reason to express his grievances:

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