Mike Phelan Changes His Middle Name To “More Than A” After Manager Of The Month Award

 7 years, 10 months ago 0 Comments


Hull City Caretaker Boss Mike Phelan has legally changed his middle name by deed poll to; “more than a” after being attributed with the Barclay’s Premier League Manager Of  The Month award for August.

Speaking in an exclusive with LOLFootball.com, Phelan’s wife Sally spoke of the positive changes that she has seen in her hubbie since deservedly winning the accolade after steering The Tigers to 2 wins in the opening 3 Premier League games.

“He’s the exact same bloke that I married all those years ago, but better really and just not as shit,” said the charity worker in a candid interview.

“At first I was worried this whole Manager Of The Month thing was going to his head, but once he got the name change he became a brand new man. Not the dull one I settled for back in the day, a more adventurous and romantic Mike. I’ve begged him for years to try Italian food with me but he always dismissed it as; ‘ that foreign muck.’ Now he’s surprising me with flowers, coming to salsa lessons with me and opening his mind up to the mystical beauty of art – I draw the line at the Dean Windass tattoo suggestion though, that’s a little too much for me.”

Sally went on to provide further details about the couples’ new and improved sex life, confirming the rumours that Mike plays the very song that inspired his name change and seemingly new identity, by 70’s American rock band Boston on repeat, every time the Lancashire-born couple make love.

“It was a bit weird at first, but it helps Mike get into the groove so I’m not complaining. I just close my eyes and think of Tom Huddlestone anyway.”

Mike “more than a” Phelan’s spokesman has requested that the former Manchester United Assistant Manager is to be greeted by the 70’s classic in all future press conferences entrances to come. We at LOLFootball headquarters welcome this more than justified appeal.

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