Mauro Icardi Reveals How iPad Helped him Snag Mate’s Missus

 7 years, 9 months ago 0 Comments

Much has been made about how Mauro Icardi managed to steal the wife of Argentina and Sampdoria teammate Maxi Lopez and the forward has now spoken about how it all came about, turns out that it all started with an iPad. It doesn’t exactly sound like Bridget Jones now does it.


The two have gone on to become a pretty famous footballing coupe with regular social media updates about their relationship and plenty of press coverage about the two as Icardi’s stock as a footballer continues to rise. The Inter Milan captain has recently published a book about his life and in it he goes into a little more detail about the beginning of his relationship with the then-wife of Maxi Lopez, Wanda Nara…

“The day before I left for a friendly tour in the US, I got a message from Wanda. I was surprised because I usually spoke with Maxi, not with her. She asked me if I could buy a new iPad in the US, it wasn’t available yet in Italy at that time. That episode, however, made me think. Did Wanda really want that tablet, or was she seeking an excuse to get in touch with me?”

“When I came back to Milan, one of the first things I did was to get reacquainted with Wanda. As I had to hand her the new iPad, that would have been the perfect excuse. We texted many times, and it was at that time that we started talking about us a bit more freely. She wrote to me: ‘Mauro, we [Maxi Lopez and her] are going for a ride to the Aeolian Islands with Gonzalo Bergessio and his wife. Why don’t you come with us?’”

“Of course I wanted to. While I was alone on the second floor of the boat, lying on the couch and listen to a bit of reggae, Wanda all of a sudden came and sat beside me, without any embarrassment. At that time her relationship with Maxi Lopez was ending.”

Argentinian legend Diego Maradona has recently called Icardi a traitor after what he did to Lopez and claims that he is dead to him whilst Lopez has so far kept quiet on the issue, he did refuse Icardi’s handshake during the game between Inter and Torino, choosing instead to grab his crotch, can’t blame him really.

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