Liverpool Fan Tickled Pink Over Rooney To Everton Transfer

 7 years, 21 days ago 0 Comments

The Football season may still be a long five weeks away – unless that is you are a fan of Glasgow Rangers whose campaign has all but already ended after their embarrassing defeat in the Europa League on Tuesday night and the tension on Merseyside is getting cranked up with the news that Wayne Rooney may be returning home.

The Manchester United record goalscorer who once declared that ‘Once a Blue, Always a Blue’ while playing for Everton then went and played in the Red of Manchester United for the best part of 13 years, but forget that somewhat large blip – as the Prodigal Son is edging closer to a move back to Goodison Park.

One that looks all the more likely now that Everton’s talisman Romelu Lukaku has had a £75m bid accepted from none other than United themselves and with the two players now likely to swap homes next season it has got the fans talking across Liverpool.

One Liverpool fan took to the airwaves on Wednesday to let Everton fans know that no matter what they spend this summer and to be honest they have spent a lot already, they are not going to be worrying the Anfield outfit anytime soon.

Uk radio station Talksport were kind enough to give this Redbird fan a platform and he did hold back on his opinion of Wayne Rooney. The unnamed fan said that he doesn’t rate Wayne Rooney and hasn’t rated him for the past five years.

To be honest he is not a million miles from the truth with his comments about the record England and Manchester United scorer and he will certainly get tongues wagging on the Mersey as the blue half look to surpass the Red counterparts next season.

Not only that though he also had time to have a sly dig about Liverpool’s other arch rivals United. At the tail end of this Rooney based rant he snuck in this bared comment

“Rooney’s finished, he’s overrated and Everton have as much chance of finishing in the top four as Mancester United”

So a two for one insult there as there is little love lost for either the Toffees or the Red Devils from this Kopite. No doubt this is an argument that is going to run and run not only during this long summer without Premier League football but also once the top flight action returns on August 12th

You can hear the whole rant here:

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