Hard As Nails: Female Goalkeeper Puts Men To Shame By Playing On With a Broken Neck!

 9 years, 7 months ago 0 Comments


They say women have a higher pain threshold than men, and a female goalkeeper proved it by playing on with a broken vertebrae in her neck. As you do!

Not only that – it was the second time Newcastle United Ladies shot stopper Laura Wareham has broken her neck and carried on playing!

The incident echoed that of Bert Trautman, the former Manchester City keeper who played in the 1956 FA Cup Final with the same life-threatening injury.

Wareham recounted: “I played on and saved a shot and then got a sharp pain through my ribs and back and went off. I had no pain in my neck.

They took me off – which I was quite angry about as I wanted to keep playing.”


The Geordie stopper, who is still wearing a hard collar while she recuperates, was in positive mood in her interview with The Chronicle, piping up with; “I can’t wait to be back, it doesn’t scare me. I just cannot wait to get my boots on and gloves on and get back training with the girls,”

In today’s modern game of play-acting and diving, particularly after James Tomkins’ ridiculous behaviour against Everton – The Tyneside goalie’s heroics really do put some footballers to shame!

We wish Laura a speedy recovery. Why aye!

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