Dave Whelan Defends Racist Comments With More Racist Comments

 9 years, 7 months ago 0 Comments

Dave Whelan

Wigan chairman and hardcore Tory supporter, Dave Whelan has today heaped more controversy on himself by citing examples of when he has used racist language in the past to try and prove he’s not a racist.

Whelan was speaking to the Jewish Telegraph to try and clear up some alleged anti-Semitism in his remarks he made when trying to clarify that Malky Mackay, the latest manager of Wigan Athletic, was not a racist either.

The initial remarks, in which Whelan claimed that; “Jewish people chase money more than everybody else”, offended the Jewish community and prompted this latest debacle. In the interview today, Whelan successfully deflected attention away from his previous faux pas, only to inflame the Chinese community by commenting that:


“When I was growing up we used to call the Chinese [restaurant] ‘chingalings’.


“We weren’t being disrespectful. We used to say: ‘We’re going to eat in ‘chingalings’. The Chinese weren’t offended by that. That was the name everyone in Wigan called it.”


However, spokesperson for the British Chinese Project, Michael Wilkes, didn’t quite share Whelan’s opinion, stating:


“Once again, Mr Whelan, rather distressingly, believes he can speak on behalf of Chinese people. Once more, he is using a public platform to tell a wide audience what Chinese people find offensive. Contrary to what Mr Whelan may believe, the vast majority of our community deem the terms ‘chink’ and ‘chingaling’ highly offensive.”

 Rather than bringing a knife to a gunfight, Whelan seems to have brought a bazooka to peace talks.

Meanwhile, loveable pundit, Twitter-fiend and crisp-peddler Gary Lineker had some sage words for the troubled chairman:

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