Calls To Drop American Goalkeeper Hope Solo After Domestic Violence Case Continues

 9 years, 7 months ago 0 Comments

Hope Solo

The US women’s national football (WE WILL NOT SAY SOCCER) team are dealing with a very untimely scandal as FIFA’s Women’s World Cup star goalkeeper Hope Solo is facing strong claims of domestic violence against her 17-year-old nephew.

The prosecutors spoke of of Hope Solo going full-on batshit crazy after slamming her nephew’s head into before punching her half-sister in the face. A 911 call was made and the officer’s report recall Mrs Hope threatening her half-sister whilst she was still in cuffs. Bizzarely, Solo went on Good Morning America to claim her innocence when the water was well and truly under the bridge, prompting a f**k you response by the alleged victims who are looking to appeal against the dismissed charges.

Looking at the mainstream media in the USA – it seems that most people believe her to be guilty and are demanding an instant suspension from the squad for Hope Solo. Hope is currently playing between the sticks in the Women’s World Cup in Canada.

Check out Keith Olbermann’s damning inditement below…

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