Asmir Begovic Makes the Guinness Book of World Records

 9 years, 10 months ago 0 Comments


A bit of pub quiz knowledge for you here. It turns out that Stoke City’s Bosnian shot-stopper, Asmir Begovic’s bizzare goal against Southampton last season is officially; ‘the longest goal scored in football.’

Guinness Book of Records have confirmed in print that the kick measured at 91.9 metres (301 ft 6 inches) has literally gone down in the record books.

Begovic retorted with a very humble reply for a modern-day footballer by saying;

“I feel amazing to be honoured in this way and as a goalkeeper I didn’t expect this to happen, not for this type of record anyway. I will take it though and enjoy it.

“I really do appreciate this award and the certificate will certainly take pride of place on the wall at home.

“So thank you to everyone at Guinness World Records for presenting me with this wonderful award.”

Here’s the goal if you missed it (as opposite number Artur Boruc did, wahe-hey).

It’s enough to make Fernando Torres weep with envy.

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