Altidore’s Missus Feeling Left Out After Defender Goes For The Nipple

 7 years, 7 days ago 0 Comments

Jozy Altidore has to go down in history as one of the biggest transfer flops in the Premier League after his disastrous return of one goal in 42 league games for the Black Cats. During this time, the big centre forward was smashing them in for the international side, but could never even get close to that with Sunderland, and he added some howling misses to proceedings too.

The USA star was on the end of the ‘Suarez‘ treatment in a recent game against El Salvador in the Gold Cup quarter final when defender Henry Romero decided that he had found a way to bring the big fella down. Romero is seen here taking a nibble at the back of Altidore and later he resorted to that old school technique of laying the nipple cripple on him.

It turns out that the most angry person as a result of this attack was in fact Altidore’s girlfriend, rumoured to be Illiana Blackshear, an executive with the Brooklyn Nets. Speaking on how is girlfriend felt, Altidore had this to say:

“My girl’s mad at me, she’s mad at me. She’s mad at Romero, because she’s like: “Only I can bite you, only I can grab your nipples”

Little bit too much info for us there Jozy, maybe keep that shit behind closed doors eh?

Whilst biting should most definitely be banned from the game, we have no problem with the traditional nipple cripple, it kept us in line at school and it would sure as shit work in the Prem, maybe by the refs as a punishment instead of the new fangled orange card that they are talking about, over to you FIFA.

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